Custom cabinetry trends

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Posts Tagged ‘boxmaking

Yestermorrow Design/Build School offers Woodworking Intensive program

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Yestermorrow Design/Build School will kick off its second annual Woodworking Intensive program Jan. 30, 2011, at its woodshop in Vermont. The 11-week program is designed to give aspiring professionals, career changers and hobbyists training in woodworking and furniture making techniques.
It begins with an analysis of trees and the wood they produce, then moves into cabinetry and concludes with students building their own piece of furniture. Additional program segments include: beginning furniture making, green ladderback chairs, joinery, boxmaking, care and repair of shop machines, small scale design/build, intermediate furniture techniques and wood finishes. The program runs through April 15, 2011, with classes generally scheduled from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Tuition for the program itself costs $6,500.

Written by cabinettrends

September 27, 2010 at 8:02 am